
Reading NetCDF climate grids in python

Step 1: Acquire Data

The data set I'll be using for this article is an extraction of climate model projections for Minnesota from TODO's TODO. Since (presumably) these conform to other standard climate model outputs, you should feel free to find our own data. Regardless, the same techniques will apply.

Step 2: Acquire Tools

We're going to use SciPy.

sudo apt-get install python-scipy

Step 3: Open The Data

Change into the directory containing your data and boot up Python.

from import netcdf
import sys

SciPy contains a handy module for reading NetCDF files.

What can we do with the f object?

>>> f.variables
{'latitude': < object at 0x1fe3610>, 'time': < object at 0x1fe3750>, 'longitude': < object at 0x1fe3650>, 'tas': < object at 0x1fe36d0>}

>>> f.dimensions
{'latitude': 52, 'projection': None, 'longitude': 65, 'time': 1800}

>>> f.variables['time']
< object at 0x1fe3750>

>>> f.variables['time'].units
'days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00'

>>> f.variables['time'].dimensions

>>> f.variables['longitude']
< object at 0x1fe3650>
>>> f.variables['longitude'].units
>>> f.variables['longitude'].dimensions
>>> f.variables['longitude'].shape

>>> f.variables['tas']
< object at 0x1fe36d0>
>>> f.variables['tas'].units
>>> f.variables['tas'].dimensions
('projection', 'time', 'latitude', 'longitude')
>>> f.variables['tas'].shape
(20, 1800, 52, 65)

Step 4: Display Data

Given that the tas variable has a shape of (Projection, Time, Latitude, Longitude), a straight-forward strategy to display using a contour plot would be:

import pylab as pl

where [0,25,:,:] represents Projection 0, Timestep 25, and all of the longitude/latitude data.

Alternatively, we can plot it as a heat map:
